Which country code is this +252 63?

Which country code is this +252 63?
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What is the country code for Laascaanood, Somalia?

The international phone code +252, along with the area code (63) , is assigned to the Laascaanood region in Somalia. The phone number consists of 4 digits in length. Local users simply need to prefix their phone number with (63) , while international long-distance callers should use 252.

Somalia City Code

☎ Mogadishu☎ Boosaaso
☎ Hargeysa☎ Baidoa
☎ Gaalkacyo☎ Baardheere
☎ Burco☎ Cadaado
☎ Marka☎ Berbera
☎ Garoowe☎ Ceel Baraf
☎ Qardho☎ Buurhakaba
☎ Kismaayo☎ Jamaame
☎ Luuq☎ Jilib
☎ Aw Dheegle☎ Jawhar
☎ Oodweyne☎ Barwaaqo
☎ Afmadow☎ Caracase
☎ Xuddur☎ Buuhoodle
☎ Ufeyn☎ Afgooye
☎ Wisil☎ Badhan
☎ Hobyo☎ Xarardheere
☎ Beledweyne☎ Qoryooley
☎ Buqda Caqable☎ Bura
☎ Bilis Qooqaani☎ Bacaadweyn
☎ Ceel Dheere☎ Godinlabe
☎ Busaar☎ Garbahaarrey
☎ Baraawe☎ Uar Esgudud
☎ Baxdo☎ Wanlaweyn
☎ Eyl☎ Dan Gorayo
☎ Diinsoor☎ Qandala
☎ Saylac☎ Bandarbeyla
☎ Xaafuun☎ Buqkoosaar
☎ Jalalaqsi☎ Cadale
☎ Bu’aale☎ Buraan
☎ Laasqoray☎ Dhuusamarreeb
☎ Boorama☎ Laascaanood
☎ Ceerigaabo☎ Lughaye
☎ Mogadishu☎ Boosaaso
☎ Hargeysa☎ Baidoa
☎ Gaalkacyo☎ Baardheere
☎ Burco☎ Cadaado
☎ Marka☎ Berbera
☎ Garoowe☎ Ceel Baraf
☎ Qardho☎ Buurhakaba
☎ Kismaayo☎ Jamaame
☎ Luuq☎ Jilib
☎ Aw Dheegle☎ Jawhar
☎ Oodweyne☎ Barwaaqo
☎ Afmadow☎ Caracase
☎ Xuddur☎ Buuhoodle
☎ Ufeyn☎ Afgooye
☎ Wisil☎ Badhan
☎ Hobyo☎ Xarardheere
☎ Beledweyne☎ Qoryooley
☎ Buqda Caqable☎ Bura
☎ Bilis Qooqaani☎ Bacaadweyn
☎ Ceel Dheere☎ Godinlabe
☎ Busaar☎ Garbahaarrey
☎ Baraawe☎ Uar Esgudud
☎ Baxdo☎ Wanlaweyn
☎ Eyl☎ Dan Gorayo
☎ Diinsoor☎ Qandala
☎ Saylac☎ Bandarbeyla
☎ Xaafuun☎ Buqkoosaar
☎ Jalalaqsi☎ Cadale
☎ Bu’aale☎ Buraan
☎ Laasqoray☎ Dhuusamarreeb
☎ Boorama☎ Laascaanood
☎ Ceerigaabo☎ Lughaye
☎ Mogadishu☎ Boosaaso
☎ Hargeysa☎ Baidoa
☎ Gaalkacyo☎ Baardheere
☎ Burco☎ Cadaado
☎ Marka☎ Berbera
☎ Garoowe☎ Ceel Baraf
☎ Qardho☎ Buurhakaba
☎ Kismaayo☎ Jamaame
☎ Luuq☎ Jilib
☎ Aw Dheegle☎ Jawhar
☎ Oodweyne☎ Barwaaqo
☎ Afmadow☎ Caracase
☎ Xuddur☎ Buuhoodle
☎ Ufeyn☎ Afgooye
☎ Wisil☎ Badhan
☎ Hobyo☎ Xarardheere
☎ Beledweyne☎ Qoryooley
☎ Buqda Caqable☎ Bura
☎ Bilis Qooqaani☎ Bacaadweyn
☎ Ceel Dheere☎ Godinlabe
☎ Busaar☎ Garbahaarrey
☎ Baraawe☎ Uar Esgudud
☎ Baxdo☎ Wanlaweyn
☎ Eyl☎ Dan Gorayo
☎ Diinsoor☎ Qandala
☎ Saylac☎ Bandarbeyla
☎ Xaafuun☎ Buqkoosaar
☎ Jalalaqsi☎ Cadale
☎ Bu’aale☎ Buraan
☎ Laasqoray☎ Dhuusamarreeb
☎ Boorama☎ Laascaanood
☎ Ceerigaabo☎ Lughaye

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